Friday, November 19, 2010

Days 86-90


Sorry I haven't written much in a long time- I have just been so busy and stressed with homework, school, life, etc etc etc. You know how it goes. But here's a mini recap of what's been going on in my life!

On Tuesday I got to see the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1). I know everyone's probably already seen it by now, but it was fun because it came out in the Netherlands before it premiered in either London OR the United States. So we got to see the movie before anyone else. A big group of us all dressed up ( I did not dress up, but did draw a dark mark on my arm and did carry a wand into the big deal.) There were kids dressed up as Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix, Harry, Hermoine, Moaning Myrtle, Dobby, Winky, Voldemort's homeboy (not actually Voldemort, but his homie...), and a few other miscellaneous wizards/creatures. We got to the theater very early, about thirty minutes before. In America, if you don't get to the midnight premiere at least an hour before, you won't get a ticket. It's as simple as that. However, when we got there, there was NO line, and no one dressed up. We were the only ones in the Amsterdam area (that I could see) that dressed up for this glorious occasion. We got a plethora of strange looks from other Dutch children and adults alike, but whatever. It's Harry Potter for pete's sake!! But it was an absolutely stellar movie overall. I was a bit disappointed that they omitted certain parts of the book from the movie and added some new scenes to the film, but it was still a great film. And it reaffirms my devoted love and adoration for Harry Potter. It was great that most of my friends are all major Harry Potter nerds also. GREAT SUCCESS.
However, we did see the movie in English, but with Dutch subtitles. The subtitles were actually hilarious to read throughout the movie. They change all of the names of the characters from English/JK Rowling's Wizard language into Dutch. For example, Dumbledore in Dutch is Perkamentus.... didn't get that. I can't think of any other examples, but it was quite unusual! They also found a way to translate the spells into Dutch.
FUN FACT: the spells are not real English- they are fictitious and fabricated by JK Rowling. However, this shows that the Dutch really must do things in their own way, just to be different and unique. Such a Dutch thing to do.

Thursday night, after my three-hour-long Dutch language class, I biked a few blocks down the street and went to Gay Night Out with a bunch of other International kids. The first bar had musical bingo, where they played a variety of tunes like Cher, Whitney Houston, Katy Perry, The Pointer Sisters, and pretty much every song from the Zoolander soundtrack, and if you got all of the songs on your bingo card then you won a gift card to some restaurant. I sadly didn't win, but it was groovy to just dance and be silly after a long week of classes. There were about four different bars that we were all going to, but I was very lame and only went to two because I was uber sleepy. Oh well.

I just was checking the weather forecast and it is supposed to SNOW this weekend!!! I hope it does. I would love to see a snow-covered Amsterdam. It will be quite difficult and potentially dangerous to bike in the snow, but it's always worth a try!

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, which I am assuming that all of you already know. I am sad that I won't be able to be home for this holiday, which is my favorite time to be with the family and with friends. But my program is hosting a big potluck dinner with the program and various professors. I am bringing mashed potatoes, which are delicious (lekker), and easy to make. They are also one of the only things I could make since I don't have an oven. Another reason I am excited for Thanksgiving is because my lovely and beautiful friend Clair Miller is coming to visit me for thanksgiving!!!!! She is coming this Thursday afternoon and staying with me for the weekend. It will be so nice to have someone else from home visit me, especially around the holidays.

I have been pretty homesick this weekend, most likely due to a combination of stress, lack of sleep, and an abundance of work that I will have until literally the day I come back to the States, which is December 17th. It has also made me more homesick when people are talking about going home for the thanksgiving break, and sadly there is no Thanksgiving break in the Netherlands since they don't celebrate this holiday (duh). But it has been nice to talk to people from home. It has relieved my homesickness a tad. But it just also makes me more excited to come home and see everyone in less than a month!

Funny Dutch words:
poep=poop (sorry, I am five years old. but it was a vocab word for my class)

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